Thursday 8 July 2010

The World's Most Endangered Ape

I recently did an illustration for an article on gibbons in BBC Wildlife Magazine. Helen Chatterjee talks about how she first became interested in gibbonology, and why this fascination has persisted for the past 35 years.

The Hainan gibbon is the world's most endangered ape, with fewer than 25 individuals remaining in the wild. Fauna & Flora International has been implementing an environmental education program over several years on Hainan Island, just off the coast of southern China. More recently they have been supporting the nature reserve to directly strengthen protection of this species in its habitat.

Monday 5 July 2010

Elephant Parade Grand Auction

The London Elephant Parade concluded yesterday, with approximately £4 million raised for Asian elephant conservation. A live auction, hosted by Sotheby's, took place on Saturday, and Nanook sold for £9,500.

I am thrilled with the amount raised, which will help fund conservation projects supported by Fauna & Flora International and Elephant Family. I am equally pleased with Nanook's new home, where I know he will be very well looked after.

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