Monday 17 December 2007

Art Promoting the Environment (APE)

I recently donated some limited edition orangutan prints to the Borneo Orangutan Survival UK foundation for their APE event at the Flemings Mayfair in London. The evening was put on to raise awareness for artists producing orangutan themed work, and to raise vital funds needed to ensure that Nyaru Menteng remains open to the continuous flow of displaced orangutans, both orphaned and wild, through the form of an art auction. I’m pleased to say the event was a success, and my personal contributions raised over £400 for the cause.

BOS UK is planning another similar event early next year, so keep checking the website for updates:

1 comment:

savetheorangutan said...

Many thanks Martin for helping us with our event with the donation of your work as well as for attending.

Michelle Desilets
Executive Director
Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation UK

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